Are you afraid of spiders? If so, you are not alone. There are many people who are extremely scared of these creepy eight-legged creatures. In fact, there is a specific word to describe the intense fear of spiders, and it is called arachnophobia. Although spiders are usually known to be harmless creatures, there are a few venomous spiders that are harmful. Spider bites can often be filled with poison and can have a long-lasting impact on your physical and mental health. 

It is possible to treat a spider bite effectively, but in order to do that, you can’t shy away from these creepy creatures, no matter how much you hate them. Keep reading to find out more. 

How to know you’ve been bitten by a spider

No, spider bites don’t feel or look like what you expect them to. They are usually single bites and not double bites as the creatures are small. If you find several bites in a small area, you can be sure that it is not the bite of a spider. 

If you have the misconception that spiders have enormous fangs, you’re wrong. The reality is that most spiders don’t have fangs that are big enough to break the skin of humans. However, there are a few spiders that are big in size and they have the strength to break the skin of humans and inject venom that can be harmful to them. 

Signs and symptoms of a spider bite

The black widow and the brown recluse are two spiders found in North America that are highly poisonous to humans – the black widow and the brown recluse. If you get spider bites from any of the two aforementioned spiders, here are the symptoms that you may get:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Change in color of urine
  • Body aches

What needs to be done after a spider bite?

Firstly, if you feel the sting, you should start looking for what bit you. Ask yourself whether you actually saw the spider or you are assuming that it was a spider. If the sting is from underneath your clothes, shake your legs or hands to throw off the spider. 

But if you’re sure it was a spider bite, wash the bite with soapy water, apply ice to the bite, and take over-the-counter medicines. For further symptoms, you may have a tetanus infection. 

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