In essence, a business blog serves as a publication platform for your company. It enables you to communicate openly with potential clients and inform them of your company’s services. Compared to simple marketing or conventional marketing material, educating website users is much more effective, reliable, and pertinent, which you can efficiently do using a business blog. Education entails understanding their condition and being able to foresee any queries they may have. It also implies that you are aware of their identity.

But what exactly does a business blog do, and how does it help your business?

You may save time by providing answers to frequently asked issues on your business blog. In subsequent emails, you may quickly include a link to the response. It may be beneficial for sales and customer service representatives who regularly have to respond to inquiries from clients, not to mention when you’re just trying to be kind.

These are some of the best business blogs in Singapore to help you with your finances.

  1. Singapore’s primary national project for financial literacy is called MoneySense. This freshly updated business, spearheaded by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Ministry of Manpower, is filled with helpful information and tools to aid anybody living in Singapore in understanding the many financial instruments and accessible ideas. MoneySense is a non-profit organization, making it a reliable resource that everyone interested in finance should bookmark.
  2. The Milelion is the expert on credit card mileage hacking. Aaron of The Milelion goes into great depth about how to use credit cards to their maximum potential to earn the most miles and the many methods to spend them when he is not calling out influencers for reckless and unethical marketing in his business blog. The Milelion should be in your bookmarks list even if you only have a passing interest in credit card miles hacking. In his business blog, Aaron writes with humor and intelligence. For those who are ardent Milelion supporters, you’ll be happy to know that Aaron joined the company full-time in 2018.
  3. Simple Sum’s mission is to make money understandable to everyone, as its name implies. The business blog routinely produces high-quality images that help readers understand financial ideas by reading and seeing them. There is video and podcast material for those who would rather watch or listen to anything.
  4. The Woke Salaryman is evidence that financial material can be generated and disseminated in Singapore in a way that can be as amusing and entertaining. In contrast, the majority of business blogs in Singapore concentrate on writing. Most likely, you are better familiar with their Facebook page, which has amassed over 100,000 fans. The Visual Treat by the Work Salaryman took up the SGX Orb award in 2019.
  5. A local business blog called The New Savvy advocates for women’s emancipation in money, investments, and careers. Anna Haotanto established The New Savvy, which she and her staff administer. The business blog offers practical financial advice that considers the possibilities and problems faced by contemporary women.
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